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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2013 7:30pm-8:00pm PST

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report on page 6 in table 2 does reflect fringe benefit costs. on page 6 we report that the proposed supplemental appropriation ordinance includes funding, requests of five new positions that includes one permanent position and four limited-term positions. and that would be funded as you know from the city's general fund reserve, the controller reported a current balance of $32.1 million, so that approval of this request would result in a balance of $29.6 million. since this request is about $2.6 million. and as noted in table 1 on page 46 our report, the total contract costs of an estimated $12 million. so whereas this request only shows $2 million, the actual or at least the anticipated total contract cost is $12 million and that
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includes $9 million over six years between the treasurer/tax collector and mani tron manitron and contract of 21 xtech, that would be for $3 million over a five-year period, which is anticipated. and again, if you look at this request, as you know, you are only getting approximately a 6-month request. if you look at it on an annualized basis the salary cost of some $400,000 would actually be over $800,000. we point out on page 7 of or report, that file 121197, amending the city's annual salary ordinance creating the five new positions is equal to 2.5 fte in 2013; with salary
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and mandatory benefits. that is the figure shown in table 2 on page 6 of our report. however, in order for the positions to be .5 fte, the new employees would need to be added to the payroll on january 1st, 2013. obviously, that can't happen. so furthermore, we point out that the proposed supplemental ordinance only includes -- that is the requested itself doesn't include that number $418,185. so taking those two factors into consideration, the correct fte count should be .44, instead of .50, with a start date of january 22, 2013. and the earliest date that the board could approve this is january 29, 2013. so our
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recommendations are on page 7. we recommend that you amend file 121197. to reduce the fte count from .5 to .4fte and on to reduce the total count from 2.5 to 2.2. we also recommend that you amend the-- although, the department reported that four of the five positions would be limited tenure. that is not specified in the annual salary ordinance. so our recommendation is to specify that those four positions, the09 22 manage 1 the 1053 senior business analyst, 1064 principal program analyst and 1244 senior personnel analyst are limited term for no more than three years. regarding recommendation no. 3 to replace $195,000 on reserve,
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this pertains to a city attorney's work order. supervisors, yesterday we received an explanation from the treasurer/tax collector's office as to a need for an estimated 600 city attorney h ours and we found the explanation to be reasonable and therefore withdraw recommendation no. 2 to place that $195,000 on reserve. consistent with voters approval, we recommend that you approve this legislation as amended. >> thank you, mr. rose. and then just a follow-up question to the department, with regards to the contracts for the tech that. is really the largest component on an ongoing basis that we see so far without seeing the staffing that follows afterwardsment i'm just wondering did these go through the process of coit? was that reviewed by that group of individuals? >> the initial procurement for
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xtech and manitron gm software went through the technology store and was approved by coit. this additional change is currently moving through, the contracting process. >> so that hasn't necessarily flowed through coyote necessarily yet? >> that is correct. >> just to the mayor's office on this item, this is simply because it's sort of a change order more than anything, where you have to update the request based on the new law that has passed. so i'm wondering if this is something that will be brought up-to-date with the coit committee to make sure everyone is on the saming page and talking to the right he stills? >> that is right. we'll include that in the coyote system, as well as the budgeting process this year.
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>> the value on the table for that second year which is an estimate for the value provided in the budget analyst's report appearses overstated because it overstates the fringe rate. if we take the top step for the 0953 job class and apply .45% fringe rate, which is what we expect the rate to look like for 2014. >> 45% is the fringe rate? >> they are liking to exceed 40% next fiscal year. >> okay. well, in any case with position authority that exists with that job classification, did won't exceed the amount it ought to be in the system, correct? >> as we approve that position and that position is vote in the system we're not paying more? >> that is direct in the item in front of you is a supplemental just for the current fiscal year. you will see the full budget
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next fiscal year and it will automatically update to current fringe rates >> thank you. so if there are no questions at this time, why don't we open this item up for public comment r. there members of the public who wish to speak to items 7 and 8? seeing none, public comment is closed. so we have a few amendments before us. >> recommendation for amendments for 1 and 2 i guess 3 was with drawn. >> great, so we have a recommendation to the two items, or actually to 12-119 per the budget analyst's report. we have a motion to accept both recommendations 1 and 2 and 3 was withdrawn so we'll not take this [r-eplts/]ation and we can do that without objection. to the underlying amendment as
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amended, supervisor avalos recommended forwarding without and we can do that without objection. thank you. we'll be looking at the budget that comes forward with a lot of interest. so thank you very much for all of your work. do we have any other items before us? >> that completes the agenda. >> before we adjourn i want to take the time for everybody serving with me on the bmx committee. budget and finance committee and thank the mayor's office and of course victor. with that, thank you all and we are adjourned. [ gavel ]
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>> 7 and a half million renovation is part of the clean and safe neighbor's park fund which was on the ballot four years ago and look at how that public investment has transformed our neighborhood. >> the playground is unique in that it serves a number of age groups, unlike many of the other properties, it serves small children with the children's play grounds and clubhouses that has basketball courts, it has an outdoor soccer field and so there were a lot of people that came to the table that had their wish list and we did our best to make sure that we kind of divided up spaces and made sure that we kept the old features of the playground but we were able to enhance all of those features.
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>> the playground and the soccer field and the tennis fields and it is such a key part of this neighborhood. >> we want kids to be here. we want families to be here and we want people to have athletic opportunities. >> we are given a real responsibility to insure that the public's money is used appropriately and that something really special comes of these projects. we generally have about an opportunity every 50 years to redo these spaces. and it is really, really rewarding to see children and families benefit, you know, from the change of culture, at
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each one of these properties >> and as a result of, what you see behind us, more kids are playing on our soccer fields than ever before. we have more girls playing sports than we have ever had before. [ applause ] fp >> and we are sending a strong message that san francisco families are welcome and we want you to stay. >> this park is open. ♪
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>> okay, we're just about ready to get started here. if everybody could gather round a little bit. my name is olson lee. i'm the director of the mayor's office of housing. and this is a great day, isn't it? >> yes, it is. >> it's a great day. and one of the things about anything that we do in san francisco is that it does take a whole village, and we have a whole village here. and it's about a sense of partnership that we are able to celebrate. and i really want to emphasize celebration, because this is the first phase of the first phase of many projects like this in san francisco. (applause) >> and this is something that is an only in san francisco development where we're
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rebuilding distressed public housing for the current residents, and doing this in a way that is -- contributes to the neighborhoods. it contributes to the health and welfare of the existing families and invites new families and creates complete neighborhoods. and only in san francisco are we willing to take on this task to really change the lives of the current residents and preserve affordable housing for all future residents so that we in san francisco have a diverse community. so, we have a very short program today to acknowledge many of the people who have participated in this development. it has been a partnership, as we have talked about. it is a partnership of many city departments. it's been a partnership of many nonprofits and a partnership of many individuals. and it's been a